Classes & Events

If you are looking for a teacher on the mystical and strange, you’ve come to the right place.

I teach individual courses, a variety of different workshop series, and long-term programs through my school, Sterling Moon Divination Academy. I offer education on topics such as divination, tarot, mediumship, folk magic, psychic development, meditation techniques, paranormal exploration, and more.

Many of my classes and programs are held virtually so they are accessible no matter where you live! I teach locally in Colorado at Ritualcravt School and travel around the country to teach, bringing my multidisciplinary style where there is interest.

Check out what I have coming up below. And if you’re interested in inviting me to teach for your business or event, fill out the contact form!

Building Blocks: Foundational Lessons for a Resilient Spiritual Practice
to Feb 13

Building Blocks: Foundational Lessons for a Resilient Spiritual Practice

Building Blocks is a program of the Sterling Moon Divination Academy that is designed for folks who are new to exploring their spiritual gifts and want to build a strong foundation.

Building Blocks is also a good fit for those who are ready to build a resilient and well-rounded spiritual practice. It is especially helpful for those who know they have some kind of psychic or intuitive gifts, but are struggling to understand or refine them. It is also a fit for those who want to connect with their spiritual court and better understand the fundamentals of magical practice.

Comprised of four classes over five weeks, Building Blocks includes lots of self- paced exercises coupled with group practice to give you a strong start as you explore your own unique abilities, learn the basics of conjuration and spellcasting, connect with your spiritual team, and develop a resilient, personal practice you can stick to.  The program has a short application process and is capped at 22 students.

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{VIRTUAL} Meet Your Spiritual Guides

{VIRTUAL} Meet Your Spiritual Guides

A Virtual Class Offered through Ritualcravt School

Do you know who looks out for you? Who gives you a little push in the right direction when you most need it? That little voice that speaks clearly, but has no name? The concept that we all have guides and protectors that help us along our earthly journey is something that can be found across the world. It is also a concept that feels at odds with the hardship many people experience in their lives. Even for those who are open to the idea, it can be difficult to get more than an inkling of insight as to who one’s guides are and how we can recognize their messages. In this class, we will explore the concept of spirit guides and their role in our lives and use a meditation designed to help us meet one or more of them. Please note, this class requires the ability to sit or lay comfortably for 30-45 minutes at a time in guided meditation.

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In this two-class offering in the Folk Magic Fundamentals series, we will delve into the folklore and duality of the Yuletide season. Folk traditions celebrating the Yuletide season and Winter Solstice laid much of the foundation for our modern Christmas. However, beyond the themes of feasting and fun, there is also lore of spirits and mythical beasts and tales both whimsical and terrifying. While Yule is a time of celebration, warmth, and joy, those traditions often serve as a counterbalance to the darkest night of the Winter Solstice, which is a time that spirits are said to roam.

Treat yourself to a few hours this December sinking into the background and stories of the Yuletide season and learning magical traditions you can incorporate into your holiday. Folk magic is meant to be personal and local, so you will also be offered prompts to explore the customs and folklore of your own lineage, as well as those in your immediate community. 

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Whether you are reading for yourself or a friend, the art of tarot reading can be fun, powerful, and insightful. This one day, “drink from the firehose” workshop will explore all 78 cards of the tarot. We will go over the cards’ upright and reversed meanings and practice throwing spreads. All students will walk out with the 2nd revised edition of Sterling Moon’s Tarot 101 zine and the ability to start reading tarot regularly right off the bat!

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