Offerings for SMDA Alumni
If you’ve taken Building Blocks, Prophecy Posse, and/or Modern Mediums, you’re in the Sterling Moon Divination Academy (SMDA) alumni community, which includes access to special classes that are only available for y’all.
If you aren’t already a member of the SMDA alumni community, this page offers a preview of what awaits if you choose to join us. If you are already in, this is an easy place for you to review what’s coming up. What you won’t find here are the registration links and discount codes. Those are always sent out via email or posted in our Discord. You are always welcome to send me an email if you need help finding something.
What's New for SMDA 💫
What's New for SMDA 💫
Current Offerings for SMDA
Join me the first Tuesday of most months via Zoom at 6:30PM for a monthly meditation session. Check your email and the Discord for the link, which is usually sent out a few days prior.
Sign up for Folk Magic for a Fight for a reduced rate of $111 (full price is $175). Check your email and the Discord for the link.
The application opens in March and we begin in late May 2025. Modern Mediums is a prerequisite. Stay tuned!
Early registration for Beyond the Veil and Modern Mediums 2025
Beyond the Veil 2025 is headed to the Oliver House in Bisbee, Arizona from October 23 - 26, 2025. BTV is only open to those who have attended Modern Mediums. This year is going to be a small and intimate event with 11-14 spots available in an old boarding house (that I hear is remarkably spirited).
I am opening up an early registration option for folks who are already in the SMDA alumni community. If you would like to attend BTV, please fill out the form linked below. I expect to open registration by mid-March 2025.
Tentative Itinerary
This will absolutely change and become more awesome as I get more of the details in order
October 23rd
3PM - Arrive at the Oliver House
5PM - Setting up the BTV Altar
7PM - Ghost tour
9PM - Beyond the Veil Tales at the 26 Souls Speakeasy, onsite at the Oliver House (it will be closed the remainder of the weekend)
October 24th
10AM - Coffee and hanging out
12PM - 2PM - Class with TBD Guest Instructor or Advanced class with Sterling Moon
2:30PM - 6PM - Free time
6:30PM - Paranormal Exploration 101 with Sterling Moon
7:30PM - ? - Paranormal Exploration at the Oliver House
October 25th
10AM - Coffee and hanging out
12PM - 2PM - Class with TBD Guest Instructor or Advanced class with Sterling Moon
2:30PM - 7PM - Free time
7PM - The Annual BTV Seance
10PM - Closing and Altar Cleanup
October 26th
11AM - Checkout