Sterling Moon Tarot, LLC Terms & Conditions

2024 Sterling Moon Tarot, LLC © All Rights Reserved

Non - Disparagement

By purchasing any of the services offered by Sterling Moon or Sterling Moon Tarot, LLC, you agree that you shall not make any false, disparaging or derogatory statements to Sterling Moon. You shall not harass, bully, or otherwise cross professional or personal boundaries set by Sterling Moon for them as well as for their employees. Any behavior deemed to violate this clause will result in the termination of the service you purchased and you will be barred from purchasing or enrolling in any services in the future,

including services offered for free. You will still remain responsible for the full investment, including any future monthly payments, of the services you purchased.

No Guarantees

Any and all current or past-client testimonials, statements, or examples used by Sterling Moon are simply that: examples. They are not guarantees that you will also experience or receive the same results. Each client and his/her/their circumstances are unique and nothing shall be interpreted as a guarantee that you will experience.


Sterling Moon does not accept any chargeback threats (real or threatened). If any chargebacks are placed on any purchase of our services, we will report said incident to the major credit reporting agencies. Doing so could have a negative impact on your credit report and/or credit score. Should we need to do so and you would like to have this report removed from your credit report, please contact us to arrange for payment owed. Once payment owed is received, we will make the appropriate reports to the credit agencies.

Definition of Confidentiality

All information shared between you and Sterling Moon, is confidential but is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like in Medicine or Law). I agree to not disclose any information pertaining to you without your express consent. And I will not disclose your name as a reference without your express consent.Confidential information does not include information that: (a) was in my possession prior to its being furnished by you; (b) is generally known to the public or in your industry; (c) is obtained by me from a third party, without breach of any obligation to Client; (d) is independently developed by me without use of or reference to your confidential information; or (e) that I am required by law to disclose.

Not professional advice

These services are intended for informational, educational, and personal development purposes only and are not intended as professional medical advice, nor professional legal advice, nor professional financial advice by Sterling Moon. By purchasing these services you, such purchase constitutes your agreement that these services is not for the purpose of professional medical advice, nor professional legal advice, nor professional financial advice and shall not be relied upon by you as such. These services are not a substitute for the advice of your attorney, physician, medical professional, mental health professional, financial advisor, accountant, or any other professional you consult or should consult. These services are informational, educational, and meant for your own personal development.

Specifically with medical needs, you should ALWAYS consult with your physician, or another medical professional before implementing any of our advice, information, or suggestions. You should always consult with a physician or medical professional (not us) before implementing any changes to your diet, medication, lifestyle, exercise regimen, supplement regimen, or health practices. Please only implement any and all changes after consulting with your physician and assessing your own risk.

Limitation of Liability

To the extent permitted by law, Sterling Moon disclaims any and all liability pertaining to your use and purchase of these services. Please book and purchase these services at your own risk, after making an independent assessment of risk.

Sterling Moon does not assume liability for damages, injuries, harm, death, misuse of (or failure to properly use) information or documents, due to any act, or failure to act, by you. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, your sole and exclusive remedy for negligence, failure to perform, or breach by us shall be a refund of the amount paid for such service or product. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.

To download a copy of these terms please click here.