Modern Mediums

“The style of mediumship I practice and teach blends classic spirit communication and psychic development techniques, folk magic practices, and paranormal exploration tools and experiments.

I support my students in practicing mediumship with a level head and a light heart . I emphasize respect for the living, the nonliving, and ourselves as practitioners.

While we cannot know the full scope of what lies beyond our physical reality, practicing Modern Mediumship can open our minds to wonder and curiosity. In turn, that can turn the mundane into something magical.”

~ Sterling Moon

Are you ready to become a Modern Medium? 

About Modern Mediums:

The study and practice of mediumship involves more than talking with spirits of the dead. Of course, that is a core part of the history and purpose of spirit communication, but in Modern Mediums, we take it further.

Modern Mediums invites you to broaden your mind and learn to thin the veil with me, Sterling Moon. In this 7-week, virtual community program, we draw from classic mediumship and psychic development techniques; methods for working with and managing spirits using folk magic practices; and strategies and tools from the world of paranormal exploration. We explore the many kinds of spirits that are out there and ways we can adapt and expand our practice if and when we encounter them. 

Modern Mediums also offers crucial - and frequently overlooked - steps for grounding, protection, and releasing, all of which help you to stay safe and supported in your spirit communication endeavors. You will learn practices for spiritual hygiene for yourself and your home, as well as warding techniques that support your spaces in becoming sanctuaries - and not waystations for spirits with no boundaries. 

The capstone of Modern Mediums is a virtual seance where we use our collective energy to thin the veil and practice what we have learned.

  • * Please note that the study and practice of mediumship as I teach it relies heavily on visualization, meditation, and the ability to quiet the mind. It’s important that you have relative privacy and are willing to focus on developing your meditation skills. If this is not possible for you, Modern Mediums may not be a good fit. Please contact if you have questions about this.

    Class #1: Laying the Roots: A Foundation of Psychic Development, Mediumship Techniques, and Paranormal Experimentation

    Thursday, September 12th 6PM – 8PM Mountain Time

    In Class #1, we will set a foundation of ethics and integrity for ourselves as Modern Mediums and root our practice in what we experience through our primary and subtle senses. We will explore the types of mediumship, easy experiments from the world of paranormal exploration that you can bring into your practice, and classic psychic development exercises that will begin tuning up those subtle senses right away.

    Class #2: Traveling with the Spirits

    Thursday, September 19th  6PM – 8PM Mountain Time

    In Class #2, we will discuss the most familiar spirits – those of the human dead. We will explore the many reasons spirits of the dead may overlap and interact with the realm of the living.  We will build on our foundation through a practice that is sometimes called spirit travel or remote viewing. Last, but not least, we will explore crucial steps for grounding, protection, and releasing after mediumship and spirit contact. This will include spiritual hygiene practices found in folk magic traditions across the world that can keep your practice safe and healthy when done regularly.

    Class #3: Spirits of the Home and the Land

    Thursday, September 26th  6PM – 8PM Mountain Time

    In Class #3, we will explore the impish and complex lore of elemental and land-based spirits. We will continue to use the skills learned in previous classes to envision what spirits may live within the very foundation of our homes and the land we live on and what they may need from us. This will include caretaking our home and the land in a way that supports positive relationships with spirits known for their mischievous and sometimes cantankerous ways.

    Class #4: The Spirits We Create

    Thursday, October 3rd  6PM – 8PM Mountain Time

    In Class #4, we will explore the concept of egregores or thoughtforms, which are spirits conjured through the actions and energy of the living. We will discuss historical examples from the world of both psychical research and occult practices…and even use some lessons from the latter to conjure a helpful thoughtform to support you in your journey with Modern Mediumship.

    Class #5: Nasty and Nefarious Spirits

    Thursday, October 10th  6PM – 8PM Mountain Time

    Not all spirits have positive intent for the living. In Class #5, we will discuss that nastier spirits one may encounter, which includes the cunning ways spirits with negative intent can gain our trust. We will also explore the importance of historical and cultural literacy in determining what is deemed “bad” or “evil.” We will practice techniques for holding boundaries with spirits and claiming your space. You will also be provided suggestions for assertive home warding and protection that can help ensure that your home stays a sanctuary.

    Séance Week! October 14th – 18th 6PM – 8PM Mountain Time

    The capstone event of Modern Mediums is the séance, where we work together to speak with the spirits around us. Class will be divided into small groups that will meet with Sterling throughout the week so we can practice what we’ve learned through a virtual séance. Yes, virtual. The exact dates will be decided once the program begins.

    Class #7: Making It Personal: Planning Your Future Practice

    Thursday, October 24th 6PM – 8PM Mountain Time

    Spirits of your loved ones and ancestors, the spirits of your home and the land you live on, the spirits we create, and the spirits that would love to throw us off our game…they’ve been with you all along. Now that you know, what will you do? In our final class, we will explore how to bring all we’ve learned into your everyday life as a Modern Medium.

    Want more? Modern Mediums is the prerequisite for Beyond the Veil, an annual Mediumship and Paranormal Weekender. This year, we’re at the one and only Stanley Hotel!

    You can apply for just Modern Mediums or Modern Mediums + Beyond the Veil as a package! You can make your selection in the application. Click here to see the Beyond the Veil info and itinerary.

  • Class is held weekly via Zoom on Thursdays from 6PM – 8PM Mountain Time, September 12 – October 24th, except for the week of October 16 – 20, which is Séance Week. See the syllabus below for details.

    Most classes will be recorded with replay access available until December 31, 2024. The only exception are the Seances, which will not be recorded. Class replays and other materials shared in class are for personal use only and not be to shared.  Class size will be capped at 33.

    Modern Mediums is a program of the Sterling Moon Divination Academy, which comes with access to the SMDA Discord and private IG, SMDA-only classes and meetups, and special reduced pricing on most of Sterling’s classes and services.

    Modern Mediums is the prerequisite for attending the annual Beyond the Veil Mediumship and Paranormal Weekender, which is held this year at The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO. You are welcome to apply for Modern Mediums on its own or Modern Mediums + Beyond the Veil as a package. Click here for details.

  • Modern Mediums requires a short application, to make sure the program is a fit for what you hope to learn. Submitting an application does not guarantee entrance into the program.

    Modern Mediums registration is $625. If your application is approved, you will be sent a link to register within five days.

    If you are on the waitlist, you will have access to a 15% discount code that will be valid until August 8, 2024. SMDA alumni will have access to a 20% discount.

  • This course is subject to all of the Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Ethics, Boundaries, and Agreements of Sterling Moon Tarot, LLC.